Cypher ES Polymer Edition AFM

No other AFM matches the performance and versatility of the Cypher ES for polymer science research and development. One of our most popular configurations is now available as the Cypher ES Polymer Edition with special promotional pricing and availability for fast delivery!

The Cypher ES Polymer Edition includes:


  • Cypher ES Environmental AFM

    ⁃ Routinely achieves higher resolution than ordinary AFMs
    ⁃ Fastest scanning gives results in seconds instead of minutes

  • blueDrive Photothermal Excitation

    ⁃ Makes all tapping mode techniques simpler to operate
    ⁃ Makes imaging more stable, even when changing temperature
    ⁃ Makes nanomechanical imaging modes more quantitative

  • High Temperature Sample Heater

    ⁃ Heats samples at up to 250°C in controlled gas environments
    ⁃ No-hassle operation without extra controllers, cables, and tubing

  • Fast Force Mapping Mode

    ⁃ Captures high-speed force curves for storage modulus mapping
    ⁃ Captures every curve, including both deflection and Z sensor
    ⁃ Supports many indentation models, including Hertz, DMT, Sneddon, and JKR

  • AM-FM Viscoelastic Mapping Mode

    ⁃ The fastest nanomechanical mapping mode (>20 Hz line rates)
    ⁃ Quantitatively maps both storage modulus and loss tangent
    ⁃ Operates over a wide modulus range (~50 kPa – 300 GPa)

  • Contact Resonance Viscoelastic Mapping Mode

    ⁃ Quantitatively maps both storage modulus and loss modulus
    ⁃ Best suited for higher modulus materials (1 GPa – 300 GPa)

  • GetStarted Automated Image Optimization

    ⁃ Automatically optimizes imaging parameters before the scan even starts
    ⁃ Get great data from the first scan line with no tip or sample damage