Nanosurf’s DriveAFM: Advanced Atomic Force Microscope

Nanosurf’s DriveAFM is a groundbreaking product in the world of Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM). It’s designed with both simplicity and performance in mind and it combines cutting-edge technology with user-friendly features to help researchers achieve top-tier results in fields like mat...

Understanding the surface properties and wettability of fibers is critical for a wide range of applications, including textiles, composit...

As society seeks to advance electrification in pursuit of global sustainability goals, demand for ever-better performance from devices su...

What is Raman spectroscopy? Raman spectroscopy is a non-destructive materials analysis technique in which a monochromatic light source, u...

What is XPS? X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) is a powerful surface analysis technique used to identify the elements in and the che...

  Spectra Research Corporation (S.R.C.) is pleased to announce a new product offering, Raptor 3D Printer for Fused Filament Fabricat...

The world of 3D Ceramic Printing has come a long way since the 1980s when it was considered suitable only for the production of functiona...

Nanosurf launches webshop for AFM accessories and more nanosurf-webshop-benefit-launch-discounts Dear Customer’s, Nanosurf’s ...

Nanosurf’s new research AFM system, the CoreAFM, is going into operation at customer sites around the globe. The first researchers to use...

LIVE WEBINAR: Wednesday May 31st, 2017 To register, please click on the image below! Key Learning Objectives Understand when we need proc...

Mar 01, 2017 – Mar 01, 2017 You can create better starch compounds by controlling extrusion conditions for food products. This webi...

Atomic force microscopes (AFM) offer atomic-scale resolution for imaging applications in life sciences and materials research. But AFM’s ...