
Asylum Research Presents an AFM Webinar on Thin Films

Oxford Instruments Asylum Research in Conjunction with Materials Today Presents the Webinar: “More Than Just Roughness: AFM Techniques for Thin Film Analysis” Focus: Webinar announcement Target audience: Thin film researchers and scientists Keywords: Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM), Scanning Probe ...

Dear Reader, May is a busy time of the year. This newsletter is full of new interesting stuff to dig into. We have some recorded webinars...

Click here to register  Webinar overview Our guest speaker, Greg Meyers of Dow Chemical Company, will discuss Dow’s research in polymer s...

Not rendering correctly? View this email as a web page here.   [Newsletter sign up]   [Webinar] Evaluate the influence of surfa...

► Visco❄holiday: Viscometer Gift ► Webinar: Methods of Viscosity Measurements    VISCO❄HOLIDAY As a sign of customer appreciation an...

VISCO ❄ HOLIDAY As a sign of customer appreciation and for the end of 2015, RheoSense presents a viscometer give-away and other prizes fo...

Automated High Throughput Viscosity Measurements                          &nb...

Viscometer-Rheometer-on-a-Chip (VROC®) combines microfluidic and MEMS (Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems) technologies. The Superior Visco...

With the apyron imaging system you will be prepared to explore beyond the established frontiers of your field. It has been developed to o...

No other AFM matches the performance and versatility of the Cypher ES for polymer science research and development. One of our most popul...

It may occur that standard instruments are limited in terms of application because of temperature, pressure ranges available, because of ...