Discount Products: Look through products available for a 25% – 50% discount in 2020. The items provided on a first come, first serve basis. View Discounted Products
About Herzan
Herzan’s mission is to provide carefully articulated environmental solutions for precision research instruments in the fields of Atomic Force Microscopy and Vibration and Acoustic Isolation. The company’s product line encompasses all forms of environmental isolation systems for advanced microscopes and other imaging and analytical instrumentation. They specialize in supporting nanotechnology research but also offer solutions for product testing, in-vitro fertilization and many other applications.
McGill University AFM Summer School and Workshop
• Video-Rate AFM with the Asylum Research Cypher VRS Hands-on demonstration labs will complement the lectures. It’s an excellent opportunity to get tips and tricks on AFM operation, and to see video-rate AFM in action. Speakers Registration Serge Dandache Spectra Research Corporation Phone 905-890-0555 Toll Free : 1-866-753-4433 |
For a 2nd year material science researchers from around the globe will gather for an innovative online experience where we will explore the latest cutting edge analytical solutions used to enable the development of new and advanced materials. Watch presentations from leading materials scientists, access hundreds of technical papers and videos, and ask questions live – all without leaving your desk! When you register you’ll be able to:
When: May 16, and you’ll be able to revisit content through 2018
Workshop on Applications of 3D Confocal Raman Microscopy and Correlative Techniques including AFM, SEM and SNOMUniversity of CalgaryWednesday April 18, 2018
9:00 am -3:30 pm
Includes Lunch & Instrument Demonstration
Room Location to be Announced
Spectra Research Corporation (SRC) is pleased to announce an upcoming workshop on Applications of 3D confocal raman and correlative techniques, including AFM, SEM and SNOM.
Who Should AttendThose interested in and/or experienced in Raman microscopy, including scientists and researchers from material sciences, life sciences, pharma and related fields. Talks presented by: Dr. Maxime Tchaya – WITec Corporation – Instrumentation and Applications of Correlative Microscopy- Raman- AFM-SNOM-SEM. Ashutosh Singh – University of Calgary/Dept. of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering – Raman Mapping as an Effective Tool for Monitoring Doping on Heterogeneous Carbon Materials. Dr. Farbod Sharif – University of Calgary/Dept. of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering – A Study of the Thermal Stability of Electrochemically Exfoliated Graphene using Raman Spectroscopy. Matthew Steele-MacInnis, Assistant Professor – University of Alberta/Dept. of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences – Applications of Raman Spectroscopic Analysis of Inclusions in Minerals: Fluid, Glass and Crystalline Inclusions
Register Now |
Nanosurf’s new research AFM system, the CoreAFM, is going into operation at customer sites around the globe. The first researchers to use the highly versatile CoreAFM are based in the USA and Germany. Deliveries are also being made to Argentina, Ecuador, and China.
These customers appreciate the compact design and attractive pricing. The powerful benchtop system with a multitude of modes allows them to perform all kinds of measurements, facilitated by interchangeable accessories and mode kits. Powerful and versatile
Thanks to the integrated active vibration isolation table, your images will be clean and clear – further enhanced by the innovative Spike-Guard system that automatically catches environmental perturbations, and rescans the affected line. To find out more about the CoreAFM, view the product page on the Nanosurf website, or for specific questions, contact us directly.
Surface Canada is interdisciplinary in nature, and will bring together world-recognized experts and young researchers from a broad spectrum of disciplines including physics, chemistry, material science engineering and many other fields and will cover a wide range of topics pertinent to surface science, from the fundamental to the applied.
Surface Canada will provide an avenue for scientists from academic, industrial and government labs to meet and define the important problems in the field and to highlight emerging opportunities and potential impact to our society. Keynote speakerInvited speakers
Important dates
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RegistrationAll fees are in Canadian dollars. Please register before April 3, 2017 to enjoy early fees. Current BSC members are entitled to discounted registration prices for the annual meeting – click here to join now!Early Registration Fees – Available Until April 3, 2017Late Registration Fees – Begins April 4, 2017 |
5805 Kennedy Rd., Mississauga ON, L4Z 2G3 TEL: 905 890 2010 FAX: 905 890 1959
Will be exhibiting at Biophysical Society of Canada ShowsSpectra Research Corporation (SRC) offers a range of innovative high-quality scientific products and laboratory services to industrial and scientific markets throughout Canada. If you require exceptional laboratory services and support, our technical expertise and industry knowledge allows us to provide service and training for all the products we represent. Established in 1993, SRC is a subsidiary of Allan Crawford Associates (ACA), one of Canada’s largest distributors of electronic components, test equipment and integrated networking solutions. |
Registration is now openTo register on-line: To register by mail or fax, download: |
5805 Kennedy Rd., Mississauga ON, L4Z 2G3 TEL: 905 890 2010 FAX: 905 890 1959
Will be exhibiting at CSC2017, Toronto.Spectra Research Corporation (SRC) offers a range of innovative high-quality scientific products and laboratory services to industrial and scientific markets throughout Canada. If you require exceptional laboratory services and support, our technical expertise and industry knowledge allows us to provide service and training for all the products we represent. Established in 1993, SRC is a subsidiary of Allan Crawford Associates (ACA), one of Canada’s largest distributors of electronic components, test equipment and integrated networking solutions. |
► Visco❄holiday: Viscometer Gift
► Webinar: Methods of Viscosity Measurements
VISCO❄HOLIDAYAs a sign of customer appreciation and for the end of 2015, RheoSense presents a viscometer give-away and other prizes for all those completing our end-of-year survey. The following prizes will be awarded:
We trace the historical development of viscosity and viscometers; starting with the fundamental principles established by Sir Isaac Newton and leading up to modern-day viscometry methods.
Sign up to attend the webinar and get an extra drawing for our promotion! Interested in learning more? Click the button below!
*Please note, all webinar sign ups will be given an extra entry on our Holiday Viscometer Giveaway!