Join the upcoming MRS OnDemand Webinar

Mesoscale Materials, Phenomena and Functionality
Presented by MRS Bulletin
November 18 | 12:00 – 1:30pm ET
Host: John Sarrao, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Attendance for this and all MRS OnDemand Webinars if FREE, but advance registration is required.

The mesoscale domain where atomic granularity, quantization of energy, and simplicity of structure and function give way to continuous matter and energy, complex structures, and composite functionalities, represents a new scientific frontier. The November 2015 issue of MRS Bulletin explores some of the hallmarks of mesoscale materials science and highlights current and new research directions. This webinar will expand on some of the areas of mesoscale science explored in the articles in this issue of MRS Bulletin.

Integration of Computation and Experiment for Discovery and Design of Nanoparticle Self-Assembly
– Sharon Glotzer, University of Michigan
– Nicholas Kotov, University of Michigan

Instrumentation for In-Situ Mechanical Characterization: Nano to Meso
– Douglas Stauffer, Hysitron, Inc.

Bonus Talk:
Understanding and Manipulating Mesoscale Ferroic Domain Patterns
– Long-Qing Chen, The Pennsylvania State University

NEW PRODUCT RELEASE: Automatic Viscometer, VROC initium September 30, 2015 | 11:00 am (PST)

This webinar will introduce RheoSense’s automatic, high throughput viscometer, VROC® initium. Attendees will get the first sneak peek of the instrument and data.
Key Features Include:
  • 10 microliters
  • 40 Vial Rack/96 Well Plate
  • Unattended Measurements
Major Applications of VROC® initium Include: 

  • High Throughput Screening with Viscosity
  • Protein Therapeutics — Stability & Injectability
  • Kinetics of Chemical Reaction and Degradation
  • Intrinsic Viscosity — Protein & Polymer Size
  • Solubility
Attend Webinar

Monitoring oil viscosity as a function of temperature

Webinar :
Oil Viscosity — ​ ​
September 23, 2015
11:00 am (PST)

Monitoring oil viscosity as a function of temperature and shear rate is essential for many reasons including:

– Ensuring Oil Quality
– Oil Characterization Under Different Conditions
– Detecting Oxidation (Decay)
– Improving performance of engines & preventing mechanical failure
– Reducing wear, inhibiting corrosion, improving sealing and cooling
​This webinar will cover the analysis and characterization of oils across temperature and shear rate ranges, along with the importance of such characterization. In addition, it will cover the estimation of high-temperature viscosity values utilizing room-temperature viscosity measurement and ASTM D341.

Witec Workshop – May 24th, 2013

WITec 3D Raman Imaging Meets AFM, SNOM and Profilometry Workshop. May 24th, 2013 – Université de Montréal

This workshop will give a detailed introduction to the operational principles and instrumental configurations relevant to confocal Raman and Scanning Probe Microscopy (AFM, SNOM, Pulsed Force Mode). Our Speakers will cover several aspects of Raman and SPM imaging and their fields of applications. An extensive system demonstration gives the participants the opportunity to see this knowledge applied using an alpha300 RSA (combined AFM & SNOM Confocal Raman Microscope).

Scientists interested in how to chemically identify and image the compounds of a sample at the highest spatial resolution are invited to participate. Typical research fields for confocal Raman imaging are nanotechnology, pharmaceutics and cosmetics, materials and polymer sciences, archaeology and geoscience, forensics, coatings, thin films and all fields where a clear identification of the distribution of chemical compounds is a necessity.


Friday, 24th May 2013
09.30 Welcome
09.45 Wei Liu – Introduction to Confocal Raman Imaging
10.15 Sylvain Cloutier – Hybrid Nanocrystal-based Heterostructures for Opto-Electronis
10.45 Klaus Weishaupt – 3D Raman Imaging Meets AFM, SNOM and Profilometry
11.30 Jean-Francois Masson – Characterization of photonics nanomaterials for plasmonic sensors
12.00 Lunch & Equipment Demonstration

The workshop is free of charge but it requires registration due to limited availability of places. In order to register, please contact Murielle Johnson at or 905-502-2088

Click here and download the May 24th 3D Raman Imaging Meets AFM, SNOM and Profilometry Workshop PDF for full program details.


LYON, FRANCE – JUNE 21-26, 2015

Calorimetry and thermal analysis methods, alone or linked to other techniques, will be described and applied to the characterization of catalysts, oxides, metals, supports, adsorbents, polymers, composites, food, pharmaceuticals, mesoporous solids, ionic liquids, phase change materials, heat storage materials, hydrogen storage materials. Examples will be given in various domains: catalytic reactions, air and wastewater treatment, clean and renewable energies, refining of hydrocarbons, green chemistry, hydrogen production and storage, CO2 capture, interseasonal heat storage, food chemistry, polymers…