AFM Characterization of Emerging Photovoltaics Webinar Se...

September 13, 2018 11:30am-12:30pm EDT  (3:30-4:30pm UTC) This free webinar, held in conjunction with the Materials Research Society (MRS), provides an overview of AFM applications for emerging photovoltaics including hybrid organic-inorganic perovskites and organic semiconductors. • Discover the...

  We at Herzan are excited to meet with researchers at the Microscopy & Microanalysis Meeting in the Baltimore Convention Center...

  Double the benefits – a modern rheometer and 20% savings! Modern Rheometer: Enhance workflow efficiency with the latest generation...

Effective October 1, 2018, Paul Greenwood will be retiring as President of Spectra Research Corporation (SRC). Paul started his career wi...

  See How New AFM Technology Can Help Your Research Asylum Research will discuss the latest advancements in AFM including video-rate...

Nanosurf’s new research AFM system, the CoreAFM, is going into operation at customer sites around the globe. The first researchers to use...

Improve the accuracy and reproducibility of your rheological results  Can you rely on your rheological measuring results? With correct, r...

LIVE WEBINAR: Wednesday May 31st, 2017 To register, please click on the image below! Key Learning Objectives Understand when we need proc...

Mar 01, 2017 – Mar 01, 2017 You can create better starch compounds by controlling extrusion conditions for food products. This webi...

  Food Rheology – What to do before you press ‘start’ Mouthfeel… Spreadability… Appearance… Stability for shelf-life… Testing the st...

Solutions for scale-up and continuous processing Addressing challenges in pharmaceuticals where API solubility and processing stability, ...