SRC is pleased to represent Brookhaven Instruments.

Brookhaven Instruments offers particle size analyzers utilizing dynamic light scattering (DLS) or disc-centrifugation, zeta potential analyzers utilizing phase analysis (PALS) and molecular weight detectors for GPC/SEC.   These instruments can be used to optimize the formulation of suspensio...

Intrinsic viscosity is correlated with the size of the molecule in a solution. Figuring out the molecule’s intrinsic viscosity provides i...

SensiQ Technologies, Inc. announces dynamic injection SPR (diSPRTM), a major upgrade to their flagship Pioneer label-free sensing platfor...

Viscosity is the ease in which a fluid flows – in other words, how thick a fluid is. So, for example, mercury is thicker than water and t...

In the pharmaceutical drug discovery field, determining how cells and biomolecules interact with each other is key to how well a drug wor...

Oxford Instruments plc (“Oxford Instruments” or “the Group”), a leading provider of high   technology tools and systems for i...

NanoSight, leading manufacturers of unique nanoparticle characterization technology, reports on the characterization of nanoparticles at ...

The investigation of gas adsorption on catalysts and solid sorbents depend upon a good interaction between the reactive gas and the powde...

Imagine an AFM that routinely images the DNA double helix (top image) and atomic point defects (bottom) – in any environment. We invite y...