Inline/Online Particle Characterization

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  • With the use of the Eyecon2 – Direct Imaging Particle Analyzer, clients may better comprehend particle size and shape variation, which allows them to ascertain why a process is failing, why yield is decreasing, the cause of product variation, and if or how a process should be scaled up for commercial manufacture.

    Eyecon2 has reduced cycle time and increased yields due to its use of Fluidised Bed Coating (e.g. Wurster), fluidised bed Granulation/Drying, Twin Screw Granulation, Dry Granamination/Roller Compaction, Extrusion Spheronisation, Milling, Blending, and product transfer process equipment. It uses direct imaging processed in real-time, with ellipses fitted to each particle’s boundary, shape and size reported back, highlighting variations. Continuous monitoring of processes critical quality attributes (CQAs) can be used to devise a data-driven control strategy, and non-product contact is used to ensure proper measurements every time.


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